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Elite High School Outreach

Changing lives through the power of mutual respect

The original Elite High School Program was founded in 2006 as an 11-week business “boot camp” for high school sophomores and juniors in Peoria, IL. Since that time, Elite has provided more than 1,000 youth with part-time jobs that not only give them spending money but also keep them occupied and off the street. The results are enhanced self-confidence, valuable work experience, and an incentive to stay off the streets.

Many of our students not only secure gainful employment, they also experience enhanced academic success. The majority of Elite participants experience a measurable increase in their GPA, with a corresponding drop in disciplinary referrals and truancy.

Real Data / Real Impact

  • 1,600 Elite-Certified graduates.
  • Disciplinary referrals down 20%.
  • Unexcused absences down 10%.
  • Tardiness down 15%.
  • 67% of participants increased their GPA.

"Respect is a two-way street, from me to you, from you to me."

- Carl Cannon

If you have questions or would like more information about the Elite High School program, please feel free to reach out.

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A Solution for Every Phase of Life

Learn More About Elite's Unique Approach

Elite’s unique approach to serving at-risk members in our community gives them a future, an education, a place where they can grow and find their full potential in life.